
LaoPai Recipes


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Product name:Three Delicacy Broth Hotpot Condiment



Flavor:Savoury and Delicate Flavor

Ingredients:Seasoning Sauce 190g, Seasoning Powder 10g

Features:Strictly selected shrimp with fresh tuber mustard and mushroom grain, all of them converge into a pot of mellow and delicious soup

Storage Method:Under the normal temperature condition, it should be sealed and deposited in a cool, ventilated and dry place; after being opened, it should be refrigerated and used as soon as possible; If the bulged package appears, please don’t consume it

Usage:Adding some water into the pot then put this product into the pot, after the water is boiling, varieties of food can be boiled in the pot. It is better to mix use of hotpot sauce taste

Multifunction Condiment:This product also can be used in the cooking of delicacy broth noodle



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